Rose Baylor, Seamstress
I have always liked all kinds of crafts. As a child, I remember going to my Grandmother’s house and she would always be crocheting or doing hand embroidery. My Grandpa had a treadle sewing machine that always intrigued us every time we would visit, but it was when I was in 4th grade that my teacher did a lecture on having a hobby. I went home that night and asked my Mom to teach me how to use her sewing machine. This was where my love of sewing began. I would buy “learn to” books and teach myself knitting, crocheting, hand embroidery stitches. As I went along, I would buy patterns that had harder and harder techniques and teach myself.
In 1981, I made my own wedding gown. Boy, I remember how hard that was back then. In 1983 I started my custom sewing business – Rosemarie Originals – where I made custom wedding and attendant’s gowns. It was also 1983 when I began sewing custom pageant gowns for a local design business, Aura James Designs. From 1988 to 1994, I worked summers in the costume shop of the shows at Hershey Park.
Since 2011, I’ve been providing sewing services for various bridal shops and businesses. You’ll also see in my gallery, many examples of custom outfits and costumes I’ve made for my nieces over the years. Now I have my own label for my handmade craft items and children’s wear, called “My Aunt Rosie”.
We also have been embroidering since December 2008.